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Remember Gibson with Three Paws for the Cause

If you were moved by the death of the world's tallest dog, Gibson, you might want to make a donation in his memory at the Three Paws for the Cause link below. You can hear the DogCast Radio interview with Gibson's breeder and owner, Sandy Hall, in Episode 18, and you can read Gibson's whole story in Sandy's words here. Sandy's aim now is to turn the loss of Gibson into an opportunity to raise awareness of canine cancer, and to reduce the number of people who have to lose their dog to this horrible disease. If you're on Twitter you can follow the 3 paws4thecause campaign.

The other thing giving Sandy hope for the future is Gibson's son Brewster - who looks to be shaping up to follow in his father's tall footsteps. I hope he does - Sandy's had more than her fair share of loss, she deserves a lot of good fortune now. Here's her message:

Canine cancer takes the lives of one in four dogs. Last month, it took the life of Gibson, the World's Tallest Dog. 

Gibson was an international celebrity, a certified therapy dog, and the Guinness World Record holder for the World's Tallest Dog. His very public battle with osteosarcoma, which resulted in the amputation of his right front leg and his untimely death, touched his fans, dog owners, and millions of people who suffer along with their pets from canine cancer all over the world.

I have received an outpouring of messages from people worldwide who shared their experiences and tears with me, and who are hurting. Many have lost multiple pets to this horrible disease and want to do something about it. Now they can, and so can you.

Three Paws for the Cause is a canine cancer awareness campaign that I am embarking on with Gibson's nephew Brewster, the world's tallest puppy. Brewster is not only as tall as Gibson was at this age, he also shares Gibson's loving disposition and is working toward therapy dog certification. Brewster and I will tour the US to spread awareness, educate the public, and raise funds to support Morris Animal Foundation's search for a cure.

All we need to make this tour a reality is a little help from individuals and organizations who care about this cause and want to contribute. A donation of any amount will help. For businesses, this is a unique opportunity to give back to the pet community and expand your philanthropic efforts.

Please take a moment to review our sponsorship options at, and give whatever you can to help support our campaign.
Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sandy Hall

Three Paws for the Cause