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Vote for your favourite dog owning celebrity

Who's your favourite dog owning celebrity? Television station Boomerang is offering you the chance to vote for your preference, and you can choose from Barack Obama, Britney Spears, Cheryl Cole, Roy Keane, Nicole Richie, Paris Hilton, Paul O'Grady and no less than Her Majesty the Queen. To find out more and to register your vote go to the Boomerang Awards site. At the site you can also upload your own photo to compete in the Pet Personality Awards categories such as cutest, greediest, oddest couple and most unusual. There's even best animal impression and for those without an actual pet there's best looked after virtual puppy.

The Boomerang Pet Personality Awards will be held in London's famous Regents Park on Sunday September 13th. As well as the awards there'll be rides and stalls from Tom and Jerry Coconut Shy to Daffy's Hook-A-Duck game. Plus various celebrities and their pets will be in attendance, not to mention Scooby Doo, Garfield, Tom and Jerry, Bugs Bunny and the Pink Panther. It's well worth entering the competition as you could win a family ticket - and that includes your dog - to the awards.

Take care,

Julie x