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Dog rescued from where now? (that's a new one one me!)

I've reported some odd dog stories over the years - dogs seem to be able to find danger everywhere. They get stuck in holes, wells and under floorboards. They eat all kinds of things they shouldn't, and they even cause their owners to have accidents at home or out and about. But this Monday morning brought a story that I had not encountered before.

A week old puppy was recently rescued from a waste pipe after being flushed down the toilet. Yes, you read that right - flushed down the toilet. Now I've heard of toilet training, but this is ridiculous! (all good quality jokes!) Just in case like me you didn't quite believe the story here are some link so the story in the Daily Mirror in the Telegraph and in the Belfast Telegraph.

The puppy in question was a week old Cocker Spaniel. I know that as a gun dog he might later be expected to flush in hunts, but not in this way!

Unbelievably after being flushed down the toilet by an apparently well-meaning child, the breeder heard him crying in the waste pipe. Firefighters proved unable to reach him, so it was a plumbing firm who came to the rescue. They located him with a camera, and then pushed him towards a man-hole cover, where he could be fished out by hand. Do you think they were flushed with success? Do you think it all drove his owner round the u-bend?

It just goes to show that those sweet little Labrador pups that advertise a certain brand of toilet paper are the only ones who should go anywhere near the toilet.

The rescued puppy has been named Dyno, after the company that saved him, and to be practical, I hope he's had a good bath too. I also hope someone has had a word with the child who started the whole thing by attempting to wash the puppy in the loo. I hope that's not how he's been carrying out his own hygiene regime.

Take care,

Julie x

Would you call all this a "chain" reaction?

I Think that the child

I Think that the child should be pushed down the toilet and left there