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Something for the weekend

It's Saturday again and there'll be a new episode of DogCast Radio out later, but in the meantime I've found a couple of interesting article to amuse you.

The first is on the Scientific Blogging site and is entitled Tame Silver Foxes and the Origin of Dogs. Don't be misled by the fact that it appears scientific and serious, this article will bring a smile to your face. It will of course also inform you especially if you are unaware of the Silver Fox research. You'll probably also end up thinking, "I want one of those silver foxes!" despite how politically incorrect it would be.

The second article gives fascinating insights into the relationships Queen Victoria had with her dogs. It's lovely to know that even the high and powerful enjoy the same love and companionship from their canines as we commoners do. It's titled Queen Victoria and "those four-footed friends no bride can buy" and I found it highly interesting. I especially liked the comment about our current Queen at the end, and how she responded to a grieving courtier. Our royals are obviously genuine dog lovers, that's all I'll say.

So have a great weekend and enjoy the latest episode of Dog Cast Radio.
Take care,

Julie x