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What our dogs get up to on walks

Mud, glorious mud!
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I posed the question yesterday of what your style of walking is - but what's your dog's? Our two do like to be out in the lead a lot of the time. I put this down in Buddy's case to wanting to be the first one to encounter anything edible we might come across, rather than any dominant traits. In Star's case, she likes to be up with her big brother; it's a comical site him loping along, with her little legs scurrying away to keep up with him.

What they will both be distracted by is mud or water. What they seem to enjoy most are really big, really muddy puddles with a lot of muddy boggy mire around the edge. They will both wade in for a paddle - though Buddy's longer legs allow him to stride out further than Star's little ones. She bounds about in the shallows, cheerleading his bravery as far as I can make out. Then Buddy will wade out of the puddle, shake himself and wander off for a sniff around. Star by this time will have got quite hot, and in an effort to cool off will usually lie down for a good wallow in the mud.

The other difference between our dogs (apart from size and colour) is coat type. Buddy has a wonderful Labrador short, starlight, drip-dry, low maintenance fur. Star on the other hand has a fleece. Her fluffy frizz takes that mud in and keeps it in. Often nothing short of a good bath will get her any where near clean again, though on a good day a thorough brushing will suffice. However the need for all that hairdressing on our return home does not put her off going in the mud, and to be honest she wouldn't be the assertive little soul she is if it did.

She's mud mad, and it looks like she'll stay that way!

Take care,

Julie x