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Dasher or dawdler?

What comes out must be scooped up!
Click on photo for larger image.

It amused me when reading Stephen Foster's Along Came Dylan, when he brooched the subject of how fast you go on a walk. He is a strider outer, whereas his partner is a meanderer who likes to take a more leisurely pace, and enjoy the walk. Maybe this is a female/male divide, because it's the same in my house. My husband wants to step it out and look lively, while I want to stroll and savour it, particularly if I've got someone I can chat to. (Unless it's raining.) (If it's raining I'm happy for him to step it out. On his own of course.)

So usually I am ambling along with the dogs as they sniff and check things out while Anthony disappears further into the distance. At times (as in the photo) the dogs want to be up in the lead with him, and I am left to bring up the rear all alone.

So which are you on a walk - a dasher or a dawdler?

Take care,

Julie x