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Tune in to pet health June 11th

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Pet Size Matters: How to tell if your pet is in peak condition

Log onto our interactive Web TV show to discover easy steps to keep your pet healthy

Show date: 11 th June
Show time: 12:00pm

Nearly one in three pet owners across the UK think their pets are overweight according to a recent survey, however pet owners themselves are often unsure of the measures they need to take to help keep their pet in shape. If you're one of them, you need to watch this Web TV show.
Being both overweight and underweight can increase your pet's chances of developing serious health problems. But as every pet owner will know, it can be hard to spot the signs of weight change in our beloved animals and it's often even harder to keep a track of their eating habits. Despite a growing number of out of shape pets, the study carried out by PURINA reveals that almost two thirds [60%] of owners have never considered any dietary change. *
So how do we make sure our pets stay the correct weight? Our Web TV show with vet Zara Boland and animal behaviourist Professor Peter Neville will include simple steps you can do at home to help you recognise if your pet has a weight problem. They will demonstrate the Body Condition Tool, explain the benefits of maintaining an ideal body condition, offer advice on how to reach a healthy weight with a range of dietary and exercise tips and answer your questions! Over a fact filled 20 minutes Zara and Peter will guide you through the tools PURINA has developed to help ensure your pets stays fit, lean and as healthy as nature intended.
Plus, we'll also be talking about an exciting opportunity for your pet to win the chance of starring in a tailored 9 month weight management programme.  
Purina resident vet Zara Boland and Animal Behaviourist Professor Peter Neville join us live online at < > on June 11th at 12:00pm to discuss pet obesity.
 Click here to submit questions before the chat
 For more information visit  
* Purina PetCare instant poll survey January 2007