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Strange dogs and unseen dangers

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Friends of ours have a pet lamb. He was an orphan, and they fancied having a pet sheep, so it worked out well for them both. He's called Shadow and he's very tame, to the point where quite dog-like he enjoys a fuss! Also dog-like he goes for a walk an a lead. He doesn't wear a collar, he has a harness, but it didn't stop Buddy and Star mistaking him for a fellow canine.

They were both very eager to get to him, although Shadow was not as eager to get to them. He was happy to have them nearby, but he had no desire to come nose to nose with either of them. Buddy was doing the most elaborate play bows imaginable and getting very puzzled why this other "dog" was not responding at all. Star was her usual confident self, and did her best to scamper as close to Shadow as possible. Shadow meanwhile behaved as if they weren't there, and headed for the nearest foliage.

It was a good socialisation experience for them all.

Talking about socialising and experiences, while out on the walk today, as usual I was called on to scoop Buddy's poop. He had gone in some long grass, and I was totally focusing on managing to pick the necessary matter up without pulling half the grass out too, or (worse!) smearing myself in what should never be smeared on human skin. So I leant forward and down to perform the scooping, and my head came into contact with something hard.

Stepping back in surprise I looked up, and had my wits about me enough not to try rubbing my head! There was a signpost right by where Buddy had toileted, but I had been so taken up with other matters, I had just not noticed it. It had won the battle in the signpost/head battle though, and my head was starting to hurt a little. In anger, I punched the sign that had committed the offence, and may have emitted a word not entirely proper in polite society, though luckily not a dreadful one.

When I had completed the task, Anthony pointed to two nearby older ladies, and said that I had made their day, as they had seen the whole thing and burst into laughter. "To be fair they didn't laugh till you punched the signpost!" he said. Well I'm glad they enjoyed it!

Take care,

Julie x

P. S.

Just in case any caring soul out their is worried my head is fine. I can't comment on the well being of the signpost.