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If you can't stand the heat...go to the beach

Is it cool enough to come out yet?
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The forecast was finally for a warm weekend, so we headed for the beach. It turned out to be so hot that we had to find shade for the dogs. They loved it down at the water's edge where the sea was cooling and there was a delicious breeze, but back up the beach, they sat happily in the shade, peeping out from time to time to see if it was time to go for another paddle.

Star paddles.
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Star isn't a great swimmer, but she loves paddling. She never let the water get above her kneecaps - which is quite a feat of judgment and agility when your kneecaps are only two inches off the ground. She managed it though.

Jenny and Buddy cool off.
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Buddy isn't that keen on swimming either, but being a black dog who just absorbs heat, he was keen to wade out and cool off. He was the bravest I've ever seen him, crashing through breakers, jumping over waves, before remembering he isn't that confident in water and hightailing it for the safety of the sand. Each time within seconds he was back out in the sea again. By the end of the day they were both salty - and sandy - old sea dogs.

We made sure they had constant access to the water bowl, and encouraged them into the shade when we weren't enjoying a paddle. It was a great day, I can't wait to do it again - I'm keeping an eye on the forecast for next weekend.

Take care,

Julie x