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Kate Gin and Ice - what a tonic

Kate Gin and Ice.
Click on photo for larger image.

I had the pleasure of interviewing Kate Nicholas this week. Kate and her gorgeous dog Gin were thrown into the spotlight when they made it to the finals of Britain's Got Talent. Since then their popularity has grown, and Kate and Gin have continued to develop as a partnership. They delight crowds with their displays of doggy dancing, and Gin is a whiz at flyball.

So when the time came to add another member to their pack, how did Kate go about it? And how has the newcomer - Ice - settled in? You can hear Kate answering those questions and more in this weekend's episode of DogCast Radio, but in the meantime you can check out their website to find out what they're up to, and participate in the forum. If you're a budding doggy dancer, or would like help with training issues you can contact Kate for her advice.

The photo of Kate Gin and Ice is taken at the beautiful Cardingmill Valley in Shropshire. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting them all, and Ice is shaping up wonderfully.

Take care,

Julie x