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Walking and working

Through the wonders of Twitter, I came across a site called 2 dogs 2000 miles. Luke lost his dog Malcolm to canine cancer. Now Luke and his remaining dogs Hudson and Murphy are in the middle of walking from Austin to Boston, hoping to raise awareness of canine cancer and funds to help fight it. Luke has a clear vision of what he aims to do, and a firm belief he can do it. At the site you can view a map of their journey and progress, read Luke's blog and find out how to support him. And if you're on Twitter, follow him at 2 dogs 2000 miles.

It always intrigues me what people do with their dogs when they're at work. I'm lucky in that I can work from home, and on the days I need to venture out, my husband can usually work from home. But what if you have to work and it's too far to pop home at lunchtime? One option is to take your dog to work with you, but that can be fraught with difficulty too. If you currently or hope in the future to take your dog to work, have a look at this article about Petiquette at work.

If you can't usually have canine company at work, maybe you could arrange it for Take Your Dog to Work Day, in the USA this in on June 26th 2009, and in the UK it's on 16th September 2009. There's plenty of time to plan - and "bone up" on petiquette, so get your teeth into it now.

Take care,

Julie x