This Beagle does not glow in the dark - which is just how a Beagle should be.
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Cloning dogs is still a new and controversial area - and now they've gone and made it even more controversial. They've created cloned glow in the dark dogs. I'll say that again, just so you know you read it right - they've cloned glow in the dark dogs. Glow in the dark Beagles to be exact.
Of course the first thing that springs to mind is "Why?" What is the point of a dog that glows in the dark? (Apart from the fact you probably wouldn't lose him on a moonlight walk.) Why on earth tinker with a dog's DNA to make him glow? Now the team responsible plan to create dogs with human illnesses. Again why? Just because they can presumably, since naturally created dogs are already a good disease model.
This isn't necessary or right. Dogs have been walking right beside us for much of our history. In modern times they love us, guide us, protect us, scent things for us, warn us, improve our health and general wellbeing in countless ways. Dogs are already a beacon of light in a world that has some very dark days - we don't need to make them fluorescent.
Take care,
Julie x