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"Berry" odd wolf behaviour

Just spotted this very odd video of wolves eating berries - not the kind of behaviour you expect of them! I know they hunt as a pack, but surely usually the prey moves a bit more? But then our dogs love fruit and veg too. Buddy likes apple and banana, while Star cannot rest if you are eating a pear and she knows she will get the core. She sits waiting patiently like a good dog, but she makes eye contact to ensure you know she is waiting patiently like a good dog.

When I am peeling potatoes, she will come and beg, some, and both dogs love a lump of carrot to gnaw on. My mother's German Shepherd Dog, Ben, adored cauliflower, and would keep tapping you if you were eating some, until you gave him some. However, I thought these tastes were developed from living in close proximity with humans and gradually coming to share some of their habits, but maybe I was wrong. (It happens very occasionally.)

Since Star is also unable to resist anything that has the aroma of ears, and both have been known to sample sheep droppings, perhaps inquiring any further into the eating preferences of dogs - or wolves - is best left unpursued.

Take care,

Julie x