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Kennel Clubs support breed rescue

Some people are unaware that there are rescue societies for many dog breeds, so it's a great idea that the Kennel Club has put a link on its site to let people know about them. Now on its "Choosing the right puppy/dog" page, there is a link to "Choosing a Rescue Dog". For those who have decided on or already love a particular breed this is a really useful resource, allowing access to pedigree dogs looking for a new home.

There is a similar page on the American Kennel Club website. On their "Future Dog Owners" page there is a link to Breed Rescue Groups.

If you are interested in a breed that doesn't seem to have a rescue organisation, try contacting the breed club as they will usually know of any dogs of that breed in need of rescue. So whether a Great Dane or a Chihuahua has caught your eye, you could consider a rescue dog or puppy.

Just a note of caution if you go down the rescue route - you may forget when to say no. I was talking yesterday to a lady with eight dogs, at least three of which were rescue dogs she couldn't resist taking in. To find out more resources about rescue dogs, just search on that term on the DogCast Radio site, and you can choose from advice, to real life stories, to fiction about rescue dogs.

Take care,

Julie x