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Bilbo's back - yay!

Do you remember the post I did about Bilbo the Newfoundland who had been banned by health and safety officials from working on a beach in Cornwall helping to keep people safe in the water? Well there was a petition to have him reinstated, and it worked. 1,500 people have signed the petition and Bilbo's back. You can read about it on the BBC site, but basically people power has put Bilbo back on the beach.

I am so glad that common sense has prevailed. There are enough people and businesses out there who seem to treat dogs as toxic, and refuse to allow them access. The truth is that dogs are perfectly safe - and legal - in most situations. Fair enough, not in food preparation areas, but other than that, as long as owners clear up after them, I can see the sense of excluding them. It does mean that when we're out and about with our dogs we need to be the best ambassadors we can, then hopefully we will win people over.

Newfies have an affinity with water, and seem to be instinctively protective of people in the water. This coupled with a dog's love of being active means Bilbo - and dogs like him - are ideal to assist alongside lifeguards. Bilbo's reinstatement is a victory - for him, for common sense, and for people power. It's also testament to what we can do when we work together - well done us!

Take care,

Julie x