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Doggy daubings and a little mountain rescue

Are you looking for ways to make money amid the credit crunch? Well get a canvas and a paintbrush and let your dog make money for you. A Pekingese called Ziggy, who lives in California is doing just that. His owner straps a paintbrush to a cardboard tube, Ziggy grasps it between his teeth and creates a masterpiece. There's a photo of his work at that link, and to be honest I think it's quite good. Definitely comparable to some modern art! (In my humble opinion, as they say.)

Each painting can sell for up to £170. I don't know what that is in dollars, and I suspect in the current financial climate it's probably about 5 Euros (oooh - satire!) but whatever currency you put it in, it's a lot for doggy daubings. The trouble is our two would probably just chew up the cardboard tube, then the paint brush, and then have a good go at eating the paint. And have you ever tried washing acrylics out of a white Bichon Frise coat? Maybe it's not for us. Pity though.

Another story that caught my eye was that of a dwarf - I'm sorry if that's not a PC word, but it's the term used in the headlines - in Wales, UK who got lost in a forest in Snowdonia. She was lost over night, and only the warmth of her dog saved her from hypothermia. The dog was a Chihuahua. Is it very wrong of me to love that story? - little person saved by little dog. The lady - and dog - in question are safely back at home, and I'm just glad all went well for them.

Take care,

Julie x