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Get Fit as Fido with Dawn Marcus

I recently interviewed Dawn Marcus, M.D., about her intriguing book Fit as Fido. Her interview, which is full of advice about the life and health lessons you can learn from you dog will be in an upcoming episode of DogCast Radio, but to whet your appetite check out her video on You Tube. I love what Dawn has to sat about what her dog has taught her, and she's absolutely right; if we lived a little more like our dogs we'd be a lot better off in many ways.

You can find out more about Dawn and her book at her website, Fit as Fido. Don't forget to check me out in the celebrity section answering questions about how dog has improved my life. I suspect Dawn's book will improve the life of a lot of people. And probably dogs, as she spreads the message of their importance in our lives.

There will be a downturn in my blog output for the next few days as I am taking a break somewhere nice which I am hoping will soften the blow of turning a certain significant age. If I can connect - and I still have the will to live - I will post, if not I'll be back later this month. Buddy and Star's back up pack will be moving in to continue their care, and they may not even notice we're gone! They certainly show no signs of pining for us, though we often pine for them, and end up approaching anyone with a dog to get a canine "fix".

Take care,

Julie x