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Dogs on the tube and the walls

Have you seen this story about a Pyrenean mountain dog traveling on the London underground? I think he looks a sweetie, and the comments at the end of that article make interesting reading. Apparently someone called "NotDogLover" has complained about the dog, who is called Rufus. Many of the comments point out that Rufus is probably far sweeter smelling than many of the human customers on the tube. I have to agree! I'll take the beautiful aroma of a dog over the stink of stale alcohol or tobacco any day.

Why shouldn't we be able to take our dogs on public transport? Let's start a rebellion and rip up those "Dogs not allowed" signs. I'd like to replace them with "Anyone swearing loudly not allowed", or perhaps, "Loud mobile phone conversations not allowed". What would you ban instead of dogs?

On the home front, I've found some brilliant wallpaper for dog lovers. It's called Best in Show, and is from a range called Walk in the Park Wallpaper. I don't think I could take that all over a room, but a feature wall might look good.

Take care,

Julie x