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The SOFA club

The SOFA club.
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Sue Cole is a teacher at at a school in Norwich. She's also the leader of the SOFA Club, which is running a Dog Microchipping Campaign. Their aim is for all dogs to have to be microchipped by law, and I have to say I support the idea. A microchip is the best way to identify your dog, and gives you the best chance of being reunited with him if he is lost or stolen. I also think it will encourage more responsible ownership in a variety of ways.

If you agree and would like to support the SOFA club's efforts, you can sign their petition. I'm hoping to catch up with Sue and the children at Crufts next weekend, and interview them about the campaign. That's one of Sue's rescue Greyhounds in the photo, and here's some of Sue's email:

"I have just been looking at your website and wondered if you might be interested in supporting a campaign I am running with an animal action club, at my school.

Following recent figures about the huge increase in abandoned/stray dogs we started a campaign for all dogs to be microchipped by law.

The children involved are aged between 9 and 14 and they have worked hard for just over a year now to promote the campaign in as many ways as possible.  I wondered if you might be prepared to help us too?

We have gained support from all over the country, animal loving celebrities, such and Jilly Cooper and Anthony Head have given their support and we have persuaded both the RSPCA and the Dogs Trust to support us too.  Many other rescue charities, vets, canine experts, MPs, tv presenters are also supporting what we are trying to achieve. 

Earlier this month we visited Parliament for the second time and on this second occasion we managed to secure an EDM which is being tabled, jointly, by our own MP Dr Ian Gibson (Norwich North)and Martin Horwood (MP for Cheltenham). Clarissa Baldwin is also proving to be a fantastic support to the campaign and she, along with Chris Laurence, came to Parliament with us too.

We successfully held, in conjunction with our local council, last September, a Microchipping Day which our patron, Marc Abraham MRCVS very kindly attended too.  188 dogs were chipped in the course of the day... The first 25 were chipped free of charge and the remainder for just £5.00 each.  We are hoping to persuade other councils to do the same.

An online petition has gained over 7,000 signatures and is still running.  We hope to achieve 20,000 in total.  Please see:


As a teacher, I am proud of the work the Club is doing and their determination to achieve their aims which we definitely believe will help dogs in general.

Next week, I am taking a group of children to Crufts where we have been invited to be part of Dog Theft Action's stand."

Sue's doing a wonderful job of encouraging youngsters to be passionate about animal welfare issues, and if you can get that sorted out early in life, you've got it sorted. I'm looking forward to meeting all of them.

Take care,

Julie x