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Episode 83 of DogCast Radio now available

Episode 83 of DogCast Radio is now available, and has some really interesting content.

Jerrie Wolfe of Rose Croft has some intriguing thoughts about raising puppies with great temperaments. She talks about show allows her dogs space to behave naturally, and how this contributes to the emotional health and development of her gorgeous Cairn Terriers. At her website you can read her article outlining her approach in more detail.

Ann Harpwood is also in the show. She is the legal expert at UK dog magazine Dogs Monthly, and the founder of Justice For Dogs. This charity aims to support dog owners with problems, especially those of a legal nature. Ann is a real character, and her interview is full of not only great advice, but also humour.

Plus there's the DogCast Radio News and the first part of a new fiction feature, The Journey. The dog in this story is a Weimaraner, and I realise that a Weimaraner who lived near our last house inspired this tale. I think his owners bought him as a biological burglar alarm, and the poor chap was always stuck out in the front garden, barking at every passer-by. The mother of a friend of Jenny's bought a Weimaraner pup, only to rehome it at the age of 12 months as it was "too big", and "too energetic". Maybe the breed's striking beauty works against them, but I've known a few who just found themselves in completely the wrong home, and unfortunately paid the price. Hopefully many more "Weimies" are in happy homes with loving families who understand them.

Take care,

Julie x