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Charlize Theron and the fundamental unfairness of life

I'm fed up again. I walk my dogs every day, and I scoop every single poop, so that's several scoopings daily, and has the media ever featured me and recommended me as a responsible dog owner? I'll tell you - no they haven't. Then along comes Charlize Theron and just because she scoops the poop she's in the newspaper. They praise her as she has "no qualms" about picking up after her dogs. Well bully for her. To be honest I do have qualms, frequently. I regularly feel grossed out as I lean over yet another steaming pile and set about bagging it, but I know I have to do it.

You know what I bet no one's ever put your photo in the newspaper in recognition of your fine scooping efforts. Just because we've never been in a movie, I suppose it's one rule for her and another for me and you. Well, that's life I guess, and at least Charlize is setting a great example, so good on her for that.

I may not be in the newspaper, but you can find me in various places on the web. Dr. Dawn Marcus is the author of Fit as Fido, which is a fantastic book, highlighting the many health lesson we can learn from our dogs. Dawn takes these lessons, learned from her own dog Wheatie, and uses them to help her patients. You can benefit from them too, and her interview will be in an upcoming episode of DogCast Radio. On the Fit as Fido site there is a "Celebrity Spotlight" section, with various people tell how their dog enriches their life. If you check out that section, you can read my answers to the questions Dawn posed.

Dogs Trust were appealing for guest bloggers, so I supplied a post focusing on the day I spent investigating what goes on behind the scenes at a successful rescue centre. That too will be included in a future show. I really enjoyed the time I spent at Roden. I was touched by the efforts staff go to to enrich the dogs' lives while at the centre, and the amount of dogs the centre rehomes is terrific.

Take care,

Julie x

Don't worry Julie - now that

Don't worry Julie - now that you're an "official" celebrity on, I'm sure you'll soon hear praise about your outstanding poop-scooping ability! Thanks for a hilarious blog!

Crikey Dawn - I'd better

Crikey Dawn - I'd better start putting my good jeans on to walk the dogs then! I might write to Charlize to get some tips on scooping poop while presenting my good side to camera. Thanks for reading, Julie x