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The joys of (almost) spring

As I type this, Star is lying in a patch of sunlight in front of an open door. This is one of her favourite positions. She likes it best with the door open, so that should the need arise, she can potter out into the garden, but she will accept a door closed situation. Eventually. Today though, the door stands flung open, because on opening it a lovely spring day, complete with warm sunshine, was waiting for us. (It had been waiting an indecently long time in fact, as we tend to lie in on a Saturday morning.)

Buddy is snoozing on the sofa, as he prefers to be with his people, but Star is making the most of the weather. After a couple of weeks of, by UK standards, intense cold coupled with the miseries of snow and ice, this mildness is most welcome. (Why do we only ever have a "cold snap" never a "mild snap" or a "sunny snap"?)

So Star is chilling - perhaps that should be warming - in her favourite spot. I have mentioned her propensity to have the door opened. She will at times bark whine and throw herself at the door, giving the impression she may well explode unless allowed through it to the garden. HOwever, when you give her access, she stands, pondering, as if she's thinking, "Oh how disappointing, still just the garden." This leads me to think that she is a dog of principle, and it is the right of free access to the garden that she wants, rather than to actually go out there.

Whatever. The spring-like weather has awakened a yearning to be out and about in us too, so we are off to the beach - yay! The dogs love it and so do we, and fortunately there are still some beaches that local councils have omitted to ban canines from, at least between September and May in the hours of darkness notwithstanding Bank Holidays.

Take care,

Julie x