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The man who wants to ban all dogs

Usually on a Saturday I buy the Daily Mail. To be honest this has more to do with them having a good television listing magazine, and fun puzzles than it does with any political affiliation. If you want to know my political stance here it is : they're all roughly as bad as each other. Anyway, this weekend we fancied a change so we bought the Times. Shan't be doing it again.

I was reading the Times yesterday morning when the following headline caught my eye: Enough whining. Ban all stinking dogs. Now. Obviously, I read the article, and frankly I was amazed that a "quality" newspaper would print such badly thought out rubbish. The writer is Giles Coren. The main thrust of his argument is that because some dog breeds (according to him) are dangerous, all dogs should be banned as it's too difficult to stop owners cross breeding to keep the illegal breed alive. Actually, it seems to me that the real main thrust of his argument is that he doesn't like dogs because of the amount of dog poo on his road. Because of that, Giles Coren wants to ban all dogs.

Mr Coren has my sympathies about the amount od excrement on his street. I too hate encountering dog dirt out on a walk. I'm afraid though, that the actual answer to the problem - dogs attacking or dogs pooing - is a boring one, and one that won't sell newspapers. In one word, it's education. Whatever the breed of dog we're talking about, the fundamentals remain the same; careful breeding, a puppyhood that allows the pup yo learn how to be a dog, thorough socialisation, and then sustained training. As far as dog poo on the road, owners must scoop. Apart from being a good ambassador for dog ownership, picking up your dog's mess is a legal requirement on most roads.
What Coren actually has a problem with is irresponsible people. Maybe in his next column he will argue for the abolishment of all humans?

I realise that Coren's job as a columnist is to be provocative in order to sell more newspapers. However, it's a very dodgy climate out there at the moment regarding dogs. The British Kennel Club and their main dog show Crufts, have come for a severe mauling in the media, and consequently public confidence is shaken in them. This illogical rant of Coren's may be nonsense, but it's too dangerous a piece of writing to be left unchecked. If it makes one person more in favour of breed specific legislation, or more anti-dogs, then it's a very, very bad thing.

Let's face it, cars kill - should we ban them? Knife crime is rife - sould we return to eating with our fingers? Teenage pregnancy is a huge problem - would Mr Coren like to ban all adolescents? Who would suggest we ban all columnists because one moron spouts nonsense? (although maybe.....)

Coren dismisses the relevance of dogs in modern society. He won't even acceot that they have value as companions. Well try a goldfish mate, it just won't love you back like good old Fido will. A cat will adore you as long as you've got food in your hands, and most small rodents view you as a threat. No other pet loves you like a dog does. No other pet wants to be with you day and night, tries its best to please you, and centres his whole world on you. Don't knock it till you've tired it. If company isn't enought to justifiy dogs, what about all the hearing, guide and assistance dogs working tireslessly? What about sniffer dogs often risking their lives to protect people? What of police dogs, search and rescue dogs, therapy dogs and so on? Are they all to be tossed aside so readily?

It's debatable whether early man "tamed" wolves, or whether wolves latched on to humans, but whatever happend both species were advanced. What would have become of us without our hunting partner, our guardian, our warmth at night and our faithful friend? We may have less need of some of those functions now, but the dog is far from obsolete.

I have a theory. It's not one I air too often as it may upset some people, but I think it applies to Giles Coren. The bond between us and dogs stretches back beyond record, and is unbreakable. Our lives are intertwined, and I suggest that those who cannot (or will not) understand and experience that relationship are abnormal in some way, or at least have something important missing. Dogs are part of us; if we had rejected dogs thousands of years ago, goodness knows how far back we would have set ourselves. Dogs and humans, humans and dogs, it's a natural partnership. That makes hatred of dogs unnatural.

I love my dogs, as most dog onwers do. Just a word of warning to Mr Coren and others who fancy a rant at the expense of dogs; you can place heavy taxes on our houses and cars, you can let our health system fall into disrepair, our schools fail, our road systems become choked, and we will complain, we will find ways around it, and we will basically put up with it. BUT - threaten our dogs, and we will rise up en masse in their defence.

As I said a columnists's role is to be provocative, but I suggest they stick to trivial subjects such as politics or the environment, and leave our dogs alone. And to be absolutely sure of avoiding trouble, they should never, ever antagonise the "middle classes with their wellies and labs" - we can be formidable opponents when necessary.

If, like me, you find Mr Coren's article shocking, do write and let the Times know that they might perhaps want to choose their columnists more carefully, or at least vet their weekely bleatings more thoroughly.

Take care,

Julie x

Mr. Coren is absolutely

Mr. Coren is absolutely correct with his article. It is quite sad if people really need to rely on a dog to be happy. They are unnecessary and require people to change their lifestyles in order to live with one of these awful creatures. Why can't you be respectful of someone with an opposing viewpoint from you? Mr. Coren should be praised for having an opinion, and it is fortunate that he has a platform for which millions of people can read and possibly be influenced by his brilliance. Most people don't like dogs, and it is unfair for someone who passionately hates dogs to have to have these ridiculous owners force them into our lives.

Dear Sir or Madam, "Most

Dear Sir or Madam,

"Most people don't like dogs, and it is unfair for someone who passionately hates dogs to have to have these ridiculous owners force them into our lives."

I think you'll find *most* people don't hate dogs or anything for that matter, surely to *passionately hate* anything is a much sadder state of affairs than to welcome a pet into your home that makes your life brighter? Isn't there enough negativity around?

Of course, everyone is entitled to their opinion, however, although I haven't had a chance to read the article in full, I feel the only way I would agree with Mr Coren is that he wasn't scared to put his name to his opinion, & that should be respected.

I think someone has already mentioned that babies are also unnecessary, you could say the same of any living or material object though couldn't you?

It is a sad fact about today's society that there are as many irresponsible parents as their are dog-owners.

Anonymous - Some people

Anonymous - Some people "need" dogs to make them happy while others rely on leaving provocative, anonymous comments on the internet.

Each to their own...

If you don't want dogs,

If you don't want dogs, that's fine. Don't own a dog. Have no friends who own dogs. Cross the street to avoid them. I respect that you don't like dogs. Some people don't, and that's fine.

When I disagree with you, it doesn't mean I don't respect your position. I do. I just don't AGREE with it. I understand that there are people who hate dogs and don't want them around. I will also disagree that "Most people don't like dogs..." I don't like to be around children. Does that mean that everyone in the world should stop having children because they inconvenience ME? No. Even *I* don't think that. :)

Proud NOT to be anonymous (see, I disagree with that too, but you're absolutely entitled to post anonymously whenever it's permitted.)

Duluth, GA

"If you don't want dogs,

"If you don't want dogs, that's fine. Don't own a dog. Have no friends who own dogs. Cross the street to avoid them."

And never leave your house on foot. This is what I do - every journey is by bicycle because I can outpace a dog that way. I've lived in my current house for five years and the last time I stepped on the pavement was the day I moved in.

I have to say: I do not

I have to say: I do not think that this anonymous mailer is being entirely unreasonable.

"Dogs are not necessary" - The majority of dogs are indeed, in my view, not necessary. But then again nobody said they were. That does not mean we don't enjoy their company very much.
"Dogs require owners to change their lifestyle" - The more people realize quite how much so, the less dogs will end up in shelters.
"Awful creatures" - Well, as a dog lover, I obviously do not agree with that characterisation, but I can totally imagine that someone really really really does not like dogs, and, although it makes their lives more stressful (because of their mouting aggravation and frustration at every dog encounter), I am not sure whether we can label this dislike dysfunctional.

I can also totally relate to his sentiment that the 'owners force them [the dogs] into our lives'. If I was fearful of dogs, or if, for no particular reason, I simply did not like them, I would get really aggravated by the gall of dog owners who just assume that everyone likes dogs, and who behave accordingly. Allowing dog to lick, smell, or even approach a stranger can be quite aggravating if the said stranger is not keen on dogs. These people have to put up with countless unwanted canine encounters a day.

Now don't get me wrong, I am as guilty as the next dog owner, perhaps even more (I often take my dog to the office, which can be considered highly inappropriate by some), but my point is I understand Mr Anonymous' perspective.
As dog owners, I think we can decrease the gap by making extra sure that our love for dogs does not cause any inconvenience to our less furry-minded fellow citizens.

So it continues to be a mind stretch for me, but I'll continue to try to relate to those hapless souls who happen not to be complete dog nuts like me.

I absolutely hate

I absolutely hate encountering dogs, hearing them, smelling them, etc. The sad part is all the things about dogs that I hate could be avoided if their owners didn't take this besotted, maniacal view toward their 'beloved' mutts. If someone brought a dog to my office I'd walk out, demand a paid sick day and if I didn't get one I'd sue. It's so disrespectful. What's funny too is that this poster actually seems to grasp the idea of respecting other people who might not like dogs but as evidenced by his own admission, throws that idea right down the tube because he's 'nuts' about dogs. He proceeds to force his love of the mangy, useless mutts on everyone around him even though he has the higher reasoning skills to know it's wrong. That is the problem with dog owners!

I have no beef with people

I have no beef with people who don't like dogs, personally I do like dogs, I have had one in the past and am hopefully going to get a rescue dog very soon.

Anonymous' how can you possibly claim 'Most people don't like dogs'? Have you personally gone up and down the country with a census to get this information?

Everyone is entitled to what ever happiness they can gain in this life and it is not up to individuals like Giles Coren to make that decision or judge their values.

Right. It is much better to

Right. It is much better to rely on possessions to be happy. Cars for example. No mess from those...

Or other people perhaps? Very unreliable source of happiness. But no mess, huh? Wait a minute ... look at all the mess and pollution we generate!

Hm, leaves us with drugs and alcohol...