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Episode 82 available now

Episode 82 of DogCast Radio is now available. This episode has an interview with one of those eccentrics you encounter occasionally in the dog world. Vlasidslav Roytapel is the Russian Dog Wizard. He now lives in the USA, although he has trained dogs all over the world, and currently he offers pet owners solutions to their problems. He talks about how you can establish a harmonious relationship with your dog, and it's interesting that he perceives Americans and Europeans as interacting with their dogs very differently. Although I am technically a European, I regard myself as British, and I suppose I come into contact with a lot of Americans through my work, and I have to say I don't notice too much difference between US and UK attitudes.

The other interview in the show is with Toni Shelbourne, who talks about her work with the UK Wolf Conservation Trust. The wolves she works with sound so lovely, that I am hoping to meet some of them later in the year. Apparently they love interacting with humans, and the charity allows member to participate in walks with the wolves. The encounters on offer have surprising effects on some people.

One of the things that is becoming more of a challenge is finding a new joke for the end of each show. If you've never listened right to the end of the show, try it, because the last item every time is Jenny's joke. After three and a half years, it's getting more difficult to find dog-related, fresh funny jokes - that are family friendly too! If you have one, do send it in. You could send it in for Jenny to read, or record it and we'll include it in the show.

I read column in today's Times newspaper that had my blood boiling. Some silly chap wants to ban all dogs. More on what I think of that tomorrow.

Take care,

Julie x