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Some cheerful links

I don't know what the weather's like where you are, but in the UK a lot of us are battening down the hatches in preparation for snow. Again. It's lost the novelty quite frankly, and I'm ready for a thaw. I know a lot of you will have snow every winter, for a lot longer than we've put up with, but we're not used to it, and we've had enough.

In view of me feeling a bit gloomy, I've posted some cheerful links. The video clip I've loved for a long time. It's not subtle, it's probably not politically correct, but it makes me laugh.

The other link is some glorious photos of exotic looking Poodles. More topiary than groming perhaps, but colourful and creative anyway.

If you needed cheering up, I hope that worked for you.

Take care,

Julie x