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Technology goes to the dogs

High tech gadgets can be great fun, and there are some interesting ones available in connection with your pets. If you're into Tech for your pets, you can buy devices to help get a lost dog back, feed or water him, and more. For example, there's a combined camera and treat dispenser that enables you to interact via your computer or phone and reward the behaviour you want by releasing a treat.

Items on offer vary from the practical (water fountain to keep water fresh) to the more fanciful. If you want to understand your pet better, then try a pet translator. This promises to interpret your dog (or cat's) uttereances, and let you know what emotion he's expressing. My personal favourite is the Pet's Eye Camera which you attach to your dog's collar. You can set the time delay facility to one, five or fifteen mnutes, then review what a walk or a day looks like from you dog's point of view.

Since Buddy already has his own diary, he could now provide his own illustrations. I know it's not a vital part of dog care, but I do think it could be fun. If by any chance you have some shots taken using a dog collar camera I'd love to see them. If we get one (and I do have a birthday coming up!) I'll share the results too.

Take care,

Julie x