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The good, the bad, and the just plain funny

There's been some some good, some bad and some just plain funny celebrity dog related news lately. First off, Burt Reynolds has adopted a rescue dog
. His criteria for choosing the dog? - she reminded him of Steve McQueen. Now there's something you don't hear every day!

This one, I just don't understand. Joan Rivers is convinced she ate dog while in China. She has rescue dogs, and would hate to think that it's really true, but she thinks that is what happened. Apparently she kept asking if there was dog meat in any of her meals and on being assured there wasn't she tucked in. Now I have to say that I had the remotest suspicion that there was dog in the meal I was about to eat, I would simply not eat it. I certainly wouldn't risk it and then agonise over it later. (Although it does seem to have won her much needed media attention.) I hope she didn't eat dog, and I hope next time she takes the veggie option.

Now for the funny. On a visit to a police dog centre, Prince Charles's wife found herself in competition with a German Shepherd dog for possession of her scarf. The Duchess of Cornwall took it in her stride when the dog in question gripped her scarf between his teeth and gave it a good pull. Something I love about dogs is their complete lack of regard for who you are. The rest of the world may think you're a big shot, but if a dog fancies making friends with you - or ignoring you - it'll be his own decision, not because he's star-struck. Brilliant! - and I do admire Camilla for keeping a smile on her face while such a big dog had her by the neck.
Take care,
Julie x