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Lee Gibson agility DVD now available

Lee Gibson of Lee Gibson Training has brought out a fantastic DVD to help you with agility training. Buddy and I went to him for lessons when we started agility, and I can thoroughly recommend his approach. Lee believes in getting the basics right. Get your dog to listen to you, teach him left and right commands, teach him to get the contacts right. One thing Lee instilled in me, is the need to be able to trust your dog. When you go into an agility ring, you shouldn't be worrying about how your dog will perform, and the only way to accomplish that is to get the training right.

If you're not as lucky as me, and you don't have Lee a short drive away, you can now benefit from his advice and teaching through the DVD. The DVD is very clearly presented, with Lee and his colleague Gina Graham demonstrating with their well trained, and clever dogs. Gina Graham also excels at Heelwork-to-music, and I worked with her too in her ring at the Cold Wet Nose Show 2008.

Lee's story is inspiring. He badgered his parents to get him his first dog of his own at the age of eleven. By seventeen he was competing in agility as Crufts. Now, at the grand old age of twenty-three, he is still competing at the highest level in competitions around the world, he also judges, and he lectures internationally too. He is patient, supportive and encouraging. I learned a lot during our time working with him, and I know he has a great future ahead of him.

So if you're into agility but you need some help, let Lee give you the benefit of his experience.

Take care,

Julie x