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Missing Greyhound - can you help?

Noddy is missing.
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I received this sad email recently:

Please help us find Noddy the greyhound

“We don’t know what else to do without the help of the local people.” stated Tina, a volunteer from New York. We’re a team of greyhound owners that all belong to a forum called GreyTalk. When we got word of this story, we’ve been pitching in from coast to coast trying our best to call and fax local places. The story we got was on December 26, 2008 an SUV traveling on I-10 around mile marker 19 about 5 miles from the Lordsburg, NM exit, slid on black ice and rolled down the side. The windows of the vehicle all blew out causing the two animals in back, a cat and a greyhound, to escape. The owners of the vehicle, Audrey and Jacob Flach from Arizona were injured and transported as quickly as possible to nearby hospitals. There were many accidents on the roads that day. As the owners recount the accident, they said they just remember people standing by their vehicle as they tried to assist them they also asked if they could look for their pets. The cat was recovered nearby, but after over 90 minutes, there still was no sign of the greyhound. The owners were told by someone that they did not see blood or fur at the or near the crash site, so everyone is hoping that this dog may not be injured while also keeping in mind that there could be internal injuries.

The dog is described as a Black male greyhound with a small white patch on its chest. He was not wearing a collar at the time of the accident and is not micro chipped but does have tattoos in his ears. He answers to the name of Noddy and is 9 years old. He may be injured or at the least extremely frightened from the accident. It is encouraged that you do not try to chase him. Greyhounds are the second fastest animal in the world. They can run up to 45 miles per hour. They have thin skin and fur which makes it very important that he his found soon because he won’t be able to stand the weather for long, especially if he is injured.

He may try to get to a shed, barn, truck stop, or any place he can go to hide. The family does not have anyone per say, in the area that can help search. They have had friends come in from Arizona and Texas to help search and some local volunteers. Because of the location of the crash, we can only think to ask for local help in the way of possibly someone with an airplane or other flying vehicle, horse, ATV or other off road vehicle, maybe someone that can volunteer with a thermal imaging device, and anyone that can pass the word around and help the family search in any way they can possibly think. We’re even considering tracking dogs. In cases of lost greyhounds, tracking dogs are usually not of help because of the long distances they can travel. But in this case, the dog could be injured and held up someplace. We are also asking that everyone in a 10 mile radius please check your land and buildings for him. If a wild animal were near him, even a coyote, and he wasn’t injured badly, he might still be able to out run the animal and find a place to hide.

The owners of Noddy are presently in San Antonio as they stay with family and while they undergo surgeries and medical supervision for their own injuries. They and everyone at GreyTalk assisting them with this search, as asking for the public’s help to bring Noddy back home.

If anyone can assist in the search in any way, or if anyone has seen this greyhound please contact Adam, a friend of Audrey and Jacob right away at: 480 227 0951, or Audrey at 480-234-1406.

You can find out more about efforts to find Noddy at and I will let you know if I hear the happy news that Noddy has been found.

Take care,

Julie x

Noddy is still missing and

Noddy is still missing and we're still looking for him. If anyone has any ideas that might help, please let us know. Prayers are always welcome.