Dog sign Click photo for larger image and details |
We went for a post Christmas walk with the dogs to walk off some of the seasonal eating, drinking and making merry. This sign caught my eye. While it’s all common sense stuff I have a few questions to ask about it.
For one, who holds a filled poop bag up on high like that? When I am carrying one, I do it much more surreptitiously than that. Although I have to admit that if another walker has seen my dog pooing, I make sure they see me bagging it.
Secondly who on earth carries a trowel with them? If you look closely at the woman in the photo, she has a small digging implement in her hand. Now who’s going to carry that for the rest of the walk, besmirched and besmeared as it is? And I wouldn’t fancy having it my car on he ride home either!
I know sheep worrying is a very serious offence, but the depiction of the dog launching itself at the unsuspecting sheep is laughable. What has he dog leapt from? Is it a flying dog? Any self-respecting sheep would have know a dog was nearby and would have got herself and her lamb well away before he got anywhere near. Also, most of the sheep we encounter are quite hard cases, especially when they have young to protect. They glare at us as we pass, and I’m pretty sure any dog launching itself in the manner depicted here would land on the hard bony head of the sheep as it butted upwards as hard as it could, and the dog would end up thoroughly winded and lying gasping for breath as the sheep and her lamb carried on grazing contentedly.
If you spot any sings worth sharing do send them in to me. Send me your thoughts about them too if you like.
For the record, I did bag and bin on the trip, though I did not brandish the bag as the sign recommended, and I did not require the assistance of a trowel. We didn’t encounter any sheep. And we were so tired and hungry afterwards, we returned home for more eating and drinking. Well, we haven’t even had New Year; you can’t start a diet yet can you?
Take care,
Julie x