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Christmas Star

A Christmas Star
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This is a photo of Star at Carols in the Square tonight. We learned a lesson when we attended the switching on of the Christmas lights in the square earlier this month. The lesson was that in a crowd with a small dog, you spend most of your time making sure the little dog doesn’t get trodden on. Or you give in and pick up the little dog, and then you can’t hold both your coffee and your brandy snap. Or your mulled wine and your roast hog, if you’re that way inclined.

Either way, it’s a kerfuffle. So this time we took the stroller along. She walked there, and at first she didn’t want to be in the stroller. However when she realised that we intended to just stand around for a long time, being boring, and howling loudly with other humans, she curled up and went happily to sleep.

Buddy attracted lots of the smaller children who were present. They wanted to stroke and cuddle him and he was happy oblige. He knows that each time he greets a child nicely, he can come to me afterwards and get a treat. So affection and a treat – it’s win win for him.

Star got so comfortable in the stroller that when Jenny produced her lead and held her arms out to her to pick her up, Star simply put her head down and feigned sleep. Well which would you prefer? – sitting with your bottom on a cold hard street, or cuddled up in elevated, sheltered, padded comfort? So would Star – she’s not silly!

Christmas carollers
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I’ve included a photo of the carolling crowd so you can see just what danger she was in of ending up under a foot. Unintentionally I’m sure, but dogs just don’t understand “sorry” do they?

Take care and have a great Christmas,
