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The Hazzards of dog theft

I’ve just spotted in the news that John Schneider – remember him as the blond brother in the original Dukes of Hazzard show? – has had his two dogs stolen.

He had bought two puppies as Christmas presents for his children, and he had left them in his car, which was then stolen. Though the car has been recovered the puppies are still missing. The puppies are ten week old Yorkshire Terriers.

Although it is obviously very sad that heartless criminals are trying to profit by stealing the dogs, Schneider has committed two dog “crimes” himself. You don’t buy puppies as Christmas presents and you never leave them in the car.

That may sound harsh, but I believe it. Christmas isn’t a time when you can devote yourself to settling a young dog in. There are too many distractions, you’re too busy, and there are too many visitors. Also there are numerous items in the house, from decorations to food, that are dangerous for a puppy.

I know it can be tempting to leave your dog in the car when you’re just nipping somewhere on the way home from a walk, but remember that dog will also be tempting to someone unscrupulous looking to make a fast buck. Especially at Christmas when money gets tight.

I really hope that John Schneider gets his dogs back, and that they are not traumatised by the experience. I also hope it’s a reminder to us all of what not to do.

Take care

Julie x