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My Day at Dogs Trust

Four hopeful heads
Four hopeful heads
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Well, I survived my arduous day’s work at Dog’s Trust. Actually it wasn’t arduous at all; it was very interesting, and I met some lovely people and dogs. The team at Dogs Trust Roden are so committed to helping the dogs in their care find loving new homes, it’s wonderful to witness.

There are so many beautiful dogs at the centre, and an amazing twenty to thirty dogs each week are being rehomed. I fell in love with a Bulldog, a Labrador, a GSD and several cross breeds. Most of the dogs at the centre are happy and eager to attract your attention, which is a testament to the great care and training they get from the staff. There are, however, a few heartbreaking sad-eyed dogs, mostly new arrivals who cower as you walk past and back away. It’s comforting to know that the canine carers will devote themselves to teaching these dogs that humans from now on will be friendly and a source of good things.

The photo shows four little doggy heads peeping over the wall of their kennels, inquisitive about who might be nearby. I talked to the centre behaviourist and trainers, the lucky carer who looks after the puppy block, and the carer who lives with the “oldies”. Once I have edited the hours of great material I recorded, it will be in a future DogCast Radio show.

To find out more about Dogs Trust visit their website

Take care,

Julie x