Fast DA Development Environment

Choose your options below

Name Description RAM Required
HDFSHadoop Distributed file system2GB
FlumeCollects/aggregates event data and streams it into HDFS or HBase in real time.2GB
HBaseScalable record and table storage for Hadoop data with real-time read/write access.4GB
HiveEnables high-latency SQL queries for batch transformation of data.2GB
HueWeb-based GUI that makes it easy for users to work with Hadoop data.3GB
ImpalaFor interactive, low-latency SQL queries across HDFS or HBase (at high concurrency).4GB
OozieA workflow scheduler for managing all your Hadoop jobs efficiently.2GB
SqoopMoves data across relational databases and HDFS in a highly scalable way.1GB

Current FAST P Memory requirement 15GB

That includes 8GB base requirement and an additonal 7GB for selected options.